Lene Hansen

European Patent Attorney, Partner

Ph.D. (Chemistry), Representative before the Unified Patent Court (UPC)

+45 77 34 44 81

Lene has worked as a patent attorney since 2001 and advises companies on their intellectual property rights, especially on patent rights.

Lene mainly works with clients in the chemical area, with a focus on organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, medical chemistry, polymer chemistry, electro chemistry and the technical chemical area.

Lene has extensive experience within:

  • Patentability assessment, drafting and prosecution of patent applications
  • Oppositions and appeal cases including oral proceedings at the European Patent Office (EPO)
  • Freedom-To-Operate analyses
  • Strategic patent advice
  • Advice on Danish and European patent practice to Danish and foreign clients.

Lene joined Guardian IP Consulting in 2014.

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